• Rockany Cure WB

    Water Based Curing Compound

    RockanyCure WB is a water based curing compound with a daylight reflectance and high curing effiency even in high temperature conditions.


    Rockany Cure WB is more effective alternative to water and polythene curing aids.


    Available 20, 200 ltrs


    Rockany Cure WB

  • Rockany Tile Cleaner

    Concentrated Acid Based Cleaner for end of Installation Cleaning

    ACID TILE CLEANER is a clear fuming liquid with a characteristic odour. It is a blend of inorganic acids, extremely versatile and multipurpose in nature, with the appropriate inhibition and is suited for the removal of water hard-ness scale, cement build up and cement stains from equipment. In use its dissolving action is fast and thorough. The acid selective inhibitors protecting metal surfaces.


    » Dissolves rust,cement,deposits hard water buildup,lime and scale.
    » Remove ingrained soils from quarry tiles, ceramic tiles, concrete.
    » For indoor and outdoor application.


    Available 5 and 20 ltrs


    Rockany Tile Cleaner

  • Rockany Cure WXB

    RockanyCure WXB is a low viscosity solvent free wax emulsion, producing a non penetrating continuous film on contact with a cementitious surface.


    » As a spray applied membrane to retain moisture in con crete for effective curing
    » Suitable for all general concreting applications and particu larly suited for large area concrete surfaces, such as bridge works, airport runways and roads
    » As a more effective and economical alternative to hessian and water and polythene curing regimes. Suitable for use on all concrete surfaces.


    RockanyCure WXB is supplied in 20 or 200 litre units.


    Rockany Cure WXB

  • Rockany Stain Remover

    Remove Organic and Lift Stains

    Rockany stain remover is a water based formulation of oxidizing agents and suitable additives, indicated for the removal of stains of organic origin as coffee, tea, sawdust, nicotine, urine and others.


    The product acts on stains present on tables, kitchen tops , bar tops, floors of marble, granite, stone and quartzite.


    Available 1,5 and 20 ltrs


    Rockany Stain Remover

  • Rockany Strike SB

    Mould Release Agent – Solvent Based

    RockanyStrike SB is a solvent based chemical release agent suitable for the mould shutter faces for concrete. is a specially formulated solvent based chemical mould release agent for high quality, fair-faced and stain-free concrete. After removal of the formwork, the resultant concrete exhibits a smooth hard and uniform finish, with reduced incidence of blow holes. Can be applied to the formwork by spray application in the form of a light uni-form mist coat.


    RockanyStrike SB can be used as a release agent for Steel, Plywood, timber and plastic faced formworks and moulds prior to casting concrete.


    RockanyStrike SB is supplied in 20 and 200 litre units.
    Store in shaded ware-houses away from heat, humidity or moisture.


    Rockany Strike SB

  • Rockany Strike WB

    Mould Release Agent – Water Based

    RockanyStrike WB is a friendly mould release agent based on the combination of water and chemical active release agent.


    RockanyStrike WB can be used as a release agent for Steel, Plywood, timber and plastic faced form works and moulds prior to casting concrete.


    Rockany Strike WB is supplied in 20 and 200 litre units.


    Rockany Strike WB


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